Thursday, December 18, 2008

Is the glass half full or half empty?

"Cause pain is better than nothing at all"
-Three Days Grace

Once upon a time i knew a young girl. She was young and happy, and nothing could take that from her. Some bad things would come but nothing could crush her spirit. Then she met a boy, and for a while she was still that same happy person, but then the boy broke her heart, and nothing was the same. She looked at life suspciously and distrusted the things that came her way. Afraid to be broken again she closed her eyes so as not be blinded by the light, but she missed the sunrise and when she was old and tired she realized that it had been a life wasted if you don't look at the sunrise. Sometimes its to bright and sometimes it hurts but then again hurt is better than nothing at all.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Calm before the storm

he stood there in the music room

but he wasn't there for music

he was nervous, but the smell of flowers gave him comfort

he was early but being prepared made him aware

he was prepared for the worst but hoping for the best

the moment came and the hope was found

then there was something missing

but it wasn't something good that was missing

it wasn't some joy that he had lost rather

it was worry, it was stress

they had all just vanished

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


What constitutes broken? When an object no longer functions correctly, and i guess in that sense we were never right i mean ever since we are a fallen species, but maybe since we are in Christ maybe we are sometimes functing correctly but like a computer or tv sometimes just need to be smacked to work right. But then what about the computers that don't respond to that whack or goad, where are they? Just more worse off than when they started.

Wake up and see that the world is fallen and let yourself be broken for humanity and understand that most of the people you see are damned to hell. Maybe then and only then you will know why you are here.